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Handling Advanced User Input in Android

                                                                                                               Source: e-university
Users interact with Android devices in many ways, including using keyboards, trackballs, touch-screen gestures, and even voice. Different devices support different input methods and have different hardware. For example, certain devices have hardware keyboards, and others rely only upon software keyboards. In this chapter, you learn about the different input methods available to developers and how you can use them to great effect within your applications.
Working with Textual Input Methods
The Android SDK includes input method framework classes that enable interested developers to use powerful input methods as well as create their own input methods, such as custom software keyboards and other Input Method Editors (IMEs). Users can download custom IMEs to use on their devices. For example, there’s nothing stopping a developer from creating a custom keyboard with Lord of the Rings-style Elvish characters, smiley faces, or Greek symbols.
Working with Software Keyboards
Because text input methods are locale-based (different countries use different alphabets and keyboards) and situational (numeric vs. alphabetic vs. special keys), the Android platform has trended toward software keyboards as opposed to relying on hardware manufacturers to deliver specialized hardware keyboards.
Choosing the Appropriate Software Keyboard
The Android platform has a number of software keyboards available for use. One of the easiest ways to enable your users to enter data efficiently is to specify the type of input expected in each text input field.
For example, to specify an EditText that should take only capitalized textual input, you could set the inputType attribute as follows:
  <EditText android:layout_height="wrap_content"
This shows a number of EditText controls with different inputType configurations.
EditText Controls with different input types.

The input type dictates which software keyboard is used by default and it enforces appropriate rules, such as limiting input to certain characters. Figure (left) illustrates what the software keyboard looks like for an EditText control with its inputType attribute set to all capitalized text input. Note how the software keyboard keys are all capitalized. If you were to set the inputType to textCapWords instead, the keyboard switches to lowercase after the first letter of each word and then back to uppercase after a space. Figure (middle) illustrates what the software keyboard looks like for an EditText control with its inputType attribute set to number. Figure (right) illustrates what the software keyboard looks like for an EditText control with its inputType attribute set to textual input, where each sentence begins with a capital letter and the text can be multiple lines.
The software keyboards associated with specific input types.

Depending on the user’s keyboard settings (specifically, if the user has enabled the Show Suggestions and Auto-complete options in the Android Keyboard settings of his device), the user might also see suggested words or spelling fixes while typing.
For a complete list of inputType attribute values and their uses, see http://developer.
For more fine-tuned control over input methods, see the android. view. inputmethod. InputMethod Manager class.
Providing Custom Software Keyboards
If you are interested in developing your own software keyboards, we highly recommend the following references:
  • IMEs are implemented as an Android service. Begin by reviewing the Android packages called android.inputmethodservice and android.view.inputmethod, which can be used to implement custom input methods.
  • The SoftKeyboard sample application in the Android SDK provides an implementation of a software keyboard.
  • The Android Developer technical articles on onscreen input methods and creating an input method .
Working with Text Prediction and User Dictionaries
Text prediction is a powerful and flexible feature available on Android devices. We’ve already talked about many of these technologies in other parts of this book, but they merit mentioning in this context as well.
  • In Chapter “Exploring User Interface Screen Elements,” you learned how to use AutoCompleteTextView and MultiAutoCompleteTextView controls to help users input common words and strings.
  • In Chapter “Using Android Data and Storage APIs,” you learned how to tie an AutoCompleteTextView control to an underlying SQLite database table.
  • In Chapter “Sharing Data Between Applications with Content Providers,” you learned about the UserDictionary content provider (android.provider.UserDictionary), which can be used to add words for the user’s custom dictionary of commonly used words.

Exploring the Accessibility Framework
The Android SDK includes numerous features and services for the benefit of users with visual and hearing impairments. Those users without such impairments also benefit from these features, especially when they are not paying complete attention to the device (such as when driving). Many of the most powerful accessibility features were added in Android 1.6 and 2.0, so check the API level for a specific class or method before using it within your application. Some of the accessibility features available within the Android SDK include
  • The Speech Recognition Framework.
  • The Text-To-Speech (TTS) Framework.
  • The ability to enable haptic feedback (that vibration you feel when you press a button, rather like a rumble pack game controller) on any View object (API Level 3 and higher). See the setHapticFeedbackEnabled() method of the View class.
  • The ability to set associated metadata, such as a text description of an ImageView control on any View object (API Level 4 and higher).This feature is often very helpful for the visually impaired. See the setContentDescription() method of the View class.
  • The ability to create and extend accessibility applications in conjunction with the Android Accessibility framework. See the following packages to get started writing accessibility applications: android.accessibilityservice and android.view.accessibility.There are also a number of accessibility applications, such as KickBack, SoundBack, and TalkBack, which ship with the platform. For more information, see the device settings under Settings, Accessibility.
Because speech recognition and Text-To-Speech applications are all the rage, and their technologies are often used for navigation applications (especially because many states are passing laws making driving while using a mobile device without hands-free operation illegal), let’s look at these two technologies in a little more detail.
Android applications can leverage speech input and output. Speech input can be achieved using speech recognition services and speech output can be achieved using Text-To-Speech services. Not all devices support these services. However, certain types of applications—most notably hands-free applications such as directional navigation—often benefit from the use of these types of input.
Speech services are available within the Android SDK in the android.speech package. The underlying services that make these technologies work might vary from device to device; some services might require a network connection to function properly.
Leveraging Speech Recognition Services
You can enhance an application with speech recognition support by using the speech recognition framework provided within the Android SDK. Speech recognition involves speaking into the device microphone and enabling the software to detect and interpret that speech and translate it into a string. Speech recognition services are intended for use with short command-like phrases without pauses, not for long dictation. If you want more robust speech recognition, you need to implement your own solution.
On Android SDK 2.1 and higher, access to speech recognition is built in to most popup keyboards. Therefore, an application might already support speech recognition, to some extent, without any changes. However, directly accessing the recognizer can allow for more interesting spoken-word control over applications.
You can use the android.speech.RecognizerIntent intent to launch the built-in speech recorder. This launches the recorder, allowing the user to record speech.
Recording speech with the RecognizerIntent.

The sound file is sent to an underlying recognition server for processing, so this feature is not really practical for devices that don’t have a reasonable network connection. You can then retrieve the results of the speech recognition processing and use them within your application. Note that you might receive multiple results for a given speech segment.
The following code demonstrates how an application could be enabled to record speech using the RecognizerIntent intent:
  public class SimpleSpeechActivity extends Activity
  private static final int VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST = 1;
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  public void recordSpeech(View view) {
  Intent intent =
  new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
  “Please speak slowly and clearly");
  startActivityForResult(intent, VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST);
  protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode,
  int resultCode, Intent data) {
  if (requestCode == VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST &&
  resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
  ArrayList<String> matches = data.getStringArrayListExtra(
  TextView textSaid = (TextView) findViewById(;
  super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
In this case, the intent is initiated through the click of a Button control, which causes the recordSpeech() method to be called. The RecognizerIntent is configured as follows:
  • The intent action is set to ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH in order to prompt the user to speak and send that sound file in for speech recognition.
  • An intent extra called EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL is set to LANGUAGE_ MODEL_ FREE_ FORM to simply perform standard speech recognition. There is also another language model especially for web searches called LANGUAGE_ MODEL_ WEB_ SEARCH.
  • An intent extra called EXTRA_PROMPT is set to a string to display to the user during speech input.
After the RecognizerIntent object is configured, the intent can be started using the startActivityForResult() method, and then the result is captured in the on Activity Result() method. The resulting text is then displayed in the TextView control called TextSaid. In this case, only the first result provided in the results is displayed to the user. So, for example, the user could press the button initiating the recordSpeech()
The text string resulting from the RecognizerIntent

Leveraging Text-To-Speech Services
The Android platform includes a TTS engine (android.speech.tts) that enables devices to perform speech synthesis. You can use the TTS engine to have your applications “read” text to the user. You might have seen this feature used frequently with location-based services (LBS) applications that allow for hands-free directions. Other applications use this feature for users who have reading or sight problems. The synthesized speech can be played immediately or saved to an audio file, which can be treated like any other audio file.
For a simple example, let’s have the device read back the text recognized in our earlier speech recognition example. First, we must modify the activity to implement the TextToSpeech.OnInitListener interface, as follows:
  public class SimpleSpeechActivity extends Activity
  implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener
  // class implementation
Next, you need to initialize TTS services within your activity:
TextToSpeech mTts = new TextToSpeech(this, this);
Initializing the TTS engine happens asynchronously. The TextToSpeech.OnInitListener interface has only one method, onInit(), that is called when the TTS engine has finished initializing successfully or unsuccessfully. Here is an implementation of the onInit() method:
  public void onInit(int status) {
  Button = readButton = (Button) findViewById(;
  if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
  int result = mTts.setLanguage(Locale.US);
  if (result == TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA
  || result == TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
  Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, “TTS Language not available.");
  } else {
  } else {
  Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, “Could not initialize TTS Engine.");
We use the onInit() method to check the status of the TTS engine. If it was initialized successfully, the Button control called readButton is enabled; otherwise, it is disabled. The onInit() method is also the appropriate time to configure the TTS engine. For example, you should set the language used by the engine using the setLanguage() method. In this case, the language is set to American English. The voice used by the TTS engine uses American pronunciation.
Finally, you are ready to actually convert some text into a sound file. In this case, we grab the text string currently stored in the TextView control (where we set using speech recognition in the previous section) and pass it to TTS using the speak() method:
  public void readText(View view) {
  TextView textSaid = (TextView) findViewById(;
  mTts.speak((String) textSaid.getText(),
  TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
The speak() method takes three parameters: the string of text to say, the queuing strategy and the speech parameters. The queuing strategy can either be to add some text to speak to the queue or to flush the queue—in this case, we use the QUEUE_FLUSH strategy, so it is the only speech spoken. No special speech parameters are set, so we simply pass in null for the third parameter. Finally, when you are done with the TextToSpeech engine (such as in your activity’s onDestroy() method), make sure to release its resources using the shutdown() method:
Now, if you wire up a Button control to call the readText() method when clicked, you have a complete implementation of TTS. When combined with the speech recognition example discussed earlier, you can develop an application that can record a user’s speech, translate it into a string, display that string on the screen, and then read that string back to the user. In fact, that is exactly what the sample project called SimpleSpeech does.

Working with Gestures
Android devices often rely upon touch screens for user input. Users are now quite comfortable using common finger gestures to operate their devices. Android applications can detect and react to one-finger (single-touch) and two-finger (multi-touch) gestures.
One of the reasons that gestures can be a bit tricky is that a gesture can be made of multiple touch events, or motions. Different sequences of motion add up to different gestures. For example, a fling gesture involves the user pressing his finger down on the screen, swiping across the screen, and lifting his finger up off the screen while the swipe is still in motion (that is, without slowing down to stop before lifting his finger). Each of these steps can trigger motion events that applications can react to.
Detecting User Motions Within a View
By now you’ve come to understand that Android application user interfaces are built using different types of View controls. Developers can handle gestures much like they do click events within a View control using the setOnClickListener() and setOnLongClickListener() methods. Instead, the onTouchEvent() callback method is used to detect that some motion has occurred within the View region.
The onTouchEvent() callback method has a single parameter: a MotionEvent object.The MotionEvent object contains all sorts of details about what kind of motion is occurring within the View, enabling the developer to determine what sort of gesture is happening by collecting and analyzing many consecutive MotionEvent objects. You could use all of the MotionEvent data to recognize and detect every kind of gesture you could possibly imagine. Alternately, you can use built-in gesture detectors provided in the Android SDK to detect common user motions in a consistent fashion. Android currently has two different classes that can detect navigational gestures:
  • The GestureDetector class can be used to detect common single-touch gestures.
  • The ScaleGestureDetector can be used to detect multi-touch scale gestures.
It is likely that more gesture detectors will be added in future versions of the Android SDK. You can also implement your own gesture detectors to detect any gestures not supported by the built-in gesture detectors. For example, you might want to create a two-fingered rotate gesture to, say, rotate an image or a three- fingered swipe gesture that brings up an option menu.
In addition to common navigational gestures, you can use the android.gesture package with the GestureOverlayView to recognize command-like gestures. For instance, you could create an S-shaped gesture that brings up a search, or a zig-zag gesture that clears a screen on a drawing app. Tools are available for recording and creating libraries of this style gesture. As it uses an overlay for detection, it isn’t well suited for all types of applications. This package was introduced in API Level 4.

Handling Common Single-Touch Gestures
Introduced in API Level 1, the GestureDetector class can be used to detect gestures made by a single finger. Some common single finger gestures supported by the GestureDetector class include:
  • onDown: Called when the user first presses on the touch screen.
  • onShowPress: Called after the user first presses the touch screen but before he lifts his finger or moves it around on the screen; used to visually or audibly indicate that the press has been detected.
  • onSingleTapUp: Called when the user lifts up (using the up MotionEvent) from the touch screen as part of a single-tap event.
  • onSingleTapConfirmed: Called when a single-tap event occurs.
  • onDoubleTap: Called when a double-tap event occurs.
  • onDoubleTapEvent: Called when an event within a double-tap gesture occurs, including any down, move, or up MotionEvent.
  • onLongPress: Similar to onSingleTapUp, but called if the user holds down his finger long enough to not be a standard click but also without any movement.
  • onScroll: Called after the user presses and then moves his finger in a steady motion before lifting his finger. This is commonly called dragging.
  • onFling: Called after the user presses and then moves his finger in an accelerating motion before lifting it. This is commonly called a flick gesture and usually results in some motion continuing after the user lifts his finger.
You can use the interfaces available with the GestureDetector class to listen for specific gestures such as single and double taps (see Gesture Detector .OnDoubleTapListener), as well as scrolls and flings (see GestureDetector.OnGestureListener).The scrolling gesture involves touching the screen and moving your finger around on it. The fling gesture, on the other hand, causes (though not automatically) the object to continue to move even after the finger has been lifted from the screen. This gives the user the impression of throwing or flicking the object around on the screen.
Let’s look at a simple example. Let’s assume you have a game screen that enables the user to perform gestures to interact with a graphic on the screen. We can create a custom View class called GameAreaView that can dictate how a bitmap graphic moves around within the game area based upon each gesture.The GameAreaView class can use the onTouchEvent() method to pass along MotionEvent objects to a GestureDetector. In this way, the GameAreaView can react to simple gestures, interpret them, and make the appropriate changes to the bitmap, including moving it from one location to another on the screen.
In this case, the GameAreaView class interprets gestures as follows:
  • A double-tap gesture causes the bitmap graphic to return to its initial position.
  • A scroll gesture causes the bitmap graphic to “follow” the motion of the finger.
  • A fling gesture causes the bitmap graphic to “fly” in the direction of the fling.
To make these gestures work, the GameAreaView class needs to include the appropriate gesture detector, which triggers any operations upon the bitmap graphic. Based upon the specific gestures detected, the GameAreaView class must perform all translation animations and other graphical operations applied to the bitmap. To wire up the GameAreaView class for gesture support, we need to implement several important methods:
  • The class constructor must initialize any gesture detectors and bitmap graphics.
  • The onTouchEvent() method must be overridden to pass the MotionEvent data to the gesture detector for processing.
  • The onDraw() method must be overridden to draw the bitmap graphic in the appropriate position at any time.
  • Various methods are needed to perform the graphics operations required to make a bitmap move around on the screen, fly across the screen, reset its location based upon the data provided by the specific gesture.
All these tasks are handled by our GameAreaView class definition:
public class GameAreaView extends View {
  private static final String DEBUG_TAG =
  private GestureDetector gestures;
  private Matrix translate;
  private Bitmap droid;
  private Matrix animateStart;
  private Interpolator animateInterpolator;
  private long startTime;
  private long endTime;
  private float totalAnimDx;
  private float totalAnimDy;
  public GameAreaView(Context context, int iGraphicResourceId) {
  translate = new Matrix();
  GestureListener listener = new GestureListener(this);
  gestures = new GestureDetector(context, listener, null, true);
  droid = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),
  public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
  boolean retVal = false;
  retVal = gestures.onTouchEvent(event);
  return retVal;
  protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
  Log.v(DEBUG_TAG, “onDraw");
  canvas.drawBitmap(droid, translate, null);
  public void onResetLocation() {
  public void onMove(float dx, float dy) {
  translate.postTranslate(dx, dy);
  public void onAnimateMove(float dx, float dy, long duration) {
  animateStart = new Matrix(translate);
  animateInterpolator = new OvershootInterpolator();
  startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  endTime = startTime + duration;
  totalAnimDx = dx;
  totalAnimDy = dy;
  post(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
  private void onAnimateStep() {
  long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  float percentTime = (float) (curTime - startTime) /
  (float) (endTime - startTime);
  float percentDistance = animateInterpolator
  float curDx = percentDistance * totalAnimDx;
  float curDy = percentDistance * totalAnimDy;
  onMove(curDx, curDy);
  if (percentTime < 1.0f) {
  post(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
As you can see, the GameAreaView class keeps track of where the bitmap graphic should be drawn at any time. The onTouchEvent() method is used to capture motion events and pass them along to a gesture detector whose GestureListener we must implement as well (more on this in a moment).Typically, each method of the GameAreaView applies some operation to the bitmap graphic and then calls the invalidate() method, forcing the view to be redrawn. Now we turn our attention to the methods required to implement specific gestures:
  • For double-tap gestures, we implement a method called onResetLocation() todraw the bitmap graphic in its original location.
  • For scroll gestures, we implement a method called onMove() to draw the bitmap graphic in a new location. Note that scrolling can occur in any direction—it simply refers to a finger swipe on the screen.
  • For fling gestures, things get a little tricky. To animate motion on the screen smoothly, we used a chain of asynchronous calls and a built-in Android interpolator to calculate the location to draw the graphic based upon how long it had been since the animation started. See the onAnimateMove() and onAnimateStep() methods for the full implementation of fling animation.
Now we need to implement our GestureListener class to interpret the appropriate gestures and call the GameAreaView methods we just implemented. Here’s an  implementation of the GestureListener class that our GameAreaView class can use:
private class GestureListener extends
  GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener  {
  GameAreaView view;
  public GestureListener(GameAreaView view) {
  this.view = view;
  public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
  return true;
  public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2,
  final float velocityX, final float velocityY) {
  final float distanceTimeFactor = 0.4f;
  final float totalDx = (distanceTimeFactor * velocityX / 2);
  final float totalDy = (distanceTimeFactor * velocityY / 2);
  view.onAnimateMove(totalDx, totalDy,
  (long) (1000 * distanceTimeFactor));
  return true;
  public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
  return true;
  public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2,
  float distanceX, float distanceY) {
  view.onMove(-distanceX, -distanceY);
  return true;
Note that you must return true for any gesture or motion event that you want to detect. Therefore, you must return true in the onDown() method as it happens at the beginning of a scroll-type gesture. Most of the implementation of the GestureListener class methods involves our interpretation of the data for each gesture. For example:
  • We react to double taps by resetting the bitmap to its original location using the onResetLocation() method of our GameAreaView class.
  • We use the distance data provided in the onScroll() method to determine the direction to use in the movement to pass into the onMove() method of the GameAreaView class.
  • We use the velocity data provided in the onFling() method to determine the direction and speed to use in the movement animation of the bitmap. The timeDistance Factor variable with a value of 0.4 is subjective, but gives the resulting slide-to-a-stop animation enough time to be visible but is short enough to be controllable and responsive.You could think of it as a high-friction surface. This information is used by the animation sequence implemented within the onAnimateMove() method of the GameAreaView class.
Now that we have implemented the GameAreaView class in its entirety, you can display it on a screen. For example, you might create an Activity that has a user interface with a FrameLayout control and add an instance of a GameAreaView using the addView() method. The resulting scroll and fling gestures look something like Figure.
Scroll (left) and Fling (right) gestures.

Handling Common Multi-Touch Gestures
Introduced in API Level 8 (Android 2.2), the ScaleGestureDetector class can be used to detect two-fingered scale gestures. The scale gesture enables the user to move two fingers toward and away from each other. When the fingers are moving apart, this is considered scaling up; when the fingers are moving together, this is considered scaling down. This is the “pinch-to-zoom” style often employed by map and photo applications.
Let’s look at another example. Again, we use the custom view class called GameAreaView, but this time we handle the multi-touch scale event. In this way, the Game AreaView can react to scale gestures, interpret them, and make the appropriate changes to the bitmap, including growing or shrinking it on the screen.
In order to handle scale gestures, the GameAreaView class needs to include the appropriate gesture detector: a ScaleGestureDetector.The GameAreaView class needs to be wired up for scale gesture support in a similar fashion as when we implemented single touch gestures earlier, including initializing the gesture detector in the class constructor, overriding the onTouchEvent() method to pass the MotionEvent objects to the gesture detector, and overriding the onDraw() method to draw the view appropriately as necessary. We also need to update the GameAreaView class to keep track of the bitmap graphic size (using a Matrix) and provide a helper method for growing or shrinking the graphic. Here is the new implementation of the GameAreaView class with scale gesture support:
public class GameAreaView extends View {
  private ScaleGestureDetector multiGestures;
  private Matrix scale;
  private Bitmap droid;
  public GameAreaView(Context context, int iGraphicResourceId) {
  scale = new Matrix();
  GestureListener listener = new GestureListener(this);
  multiGestures = new ScaleGestureDetector(context, listener);
  droid = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),
   public void onScale(float factor) {
   scale.preScale(factor,  factor);
   protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
   Matrix  transform = new Matrix(scale);
   float  width = droid.getWidth() / 2;
   float  height = droid.getHeight() / 2;
   transform.postTranslate(-width,  -height);
   transform.postTranslate(width,  height);
   canvas.drawBitmap(droid,  transform, null);
 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
 boolean retVal = false;
 retVal = multiGestures.onTouchEvent(event);
  return retVal;
As you can see, the GameAreaView class keeps track of what size the bitmap should be at any time using the Matrix variable called scale.The onTouchEvent() method is used to capture motion events and pass them along to a ScaleGestureDetector gesture detector. As before, the onScale() helper method of the GameAreaView applies some scaling to the bitmap graphic and then calls the invalidate() method, forcing the view to be redrawn.
Now let’s take a look at the GestureListener class implementation necessary to interpret the scale gestures and call the GameAreaView methods we just implemented. Here’s the implementation of the GestureListener class:
private class GestureListener implements
 ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener {
  GameAreaView view;
  public GestureListener(GameAreaView view) {
  this.view = view;
  public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
  float scale = detector.getScaleFactor();
  return true;
  public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
  return true;
  public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
Remember that you must return true for any gesture or motion event that you Want to detect. Therefore, you must return true in the onScaleBegin() method as it happens at the beginning of a scale-type gesture. Most of the implementation of the GestureListener methods involves our interpretation of the data for the scale gesture. Specifically, we use the scale factor (provided by the getScaleFactor() method) to calculate whether we should shrink or grow the bitmap graphic, and by how much. We pass this information to the onScale() helper method we just implemented in the GameAreaView class.
Now, if you were to use the GameAreaView class within your application, scale gestures might look something like Figure.
Making Gestures Look Natural
Gestures can enhance your Android application user interfaces in new, interesting, and intuitive ways. Closely mapping the operations being performed on the screen to the user’s finger motion makes a gesture feel natural and intuitive. Making application operations look natural requires some experimentation on the part of the developer. Keep in mind that devices vary in processing power, and this might be a factor in making things seem natural.
Scale up (left) and scale down (right) gestures.

Working with the Trackball
Some Android devices have hardware trackballs, but not all. Developers can handle trackball events within a View control in a similar fashion to click events or gestures. To handle trackball events, you can leverage the View class method called on Track ball Event().This method, like a gesture, has a single parameter: a Motion Event object. You can use the getX() and getY() methods of the MotionEvent class to determine the relative movement of the trackball. Optical track-pads such as those available on the Droid Incredible can be supported in the same way.

Handling Screen Orientation Changes Many Android devices on the market today have landscape and portrait modes and can seamlessly transition between these orientations. The Android operating system automatically handles these changes for your application, if you so choose. You can also provide alternative resources, such as different layouts, for portrait and landscape modes (more on this in Chapter “Targeting Different Device Configurations and Languages”). Also, you can directly access device sensors such as the accelerometer, as we talked about in Chapter “Using Android’s Optional Hardware APIs,” to capture device orientation along three axes.
However, if you want to listen for simple screen orientation changes programmatically and have your application react to them, you can use the Orientation Event Listener class to do this within your activity.
Implementing orientation event handling within your activity is simple. Simply instantiate an OrientationEventListener and provide its implementation. For example, the following activity class called SimpleOrientationActivity logs orientation information to LogCat:
  public class SimpleOrientationActivity extends Activity {
  OrientationEventListener mOrientationListener;
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  mOrientationListener = new OrientationEventListener(this,
  SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL)  {
  public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) {
  “Orientation changed to “ +  orientation);
  if (mOrientationListener.canDetectOrientation() == true) {
  Log.v(DEBUG_TAG, “Can detect orientation");
  } else {
  Log.v(DEBUG_TAG, “Cannot detect orientation");
  protected void onDestroy() {
You can set the rate to check for orientation changes to a variety of different values. There are other rate values appropriate for game use andother purposes. The default rate, SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, is most appropriate for simple orientation changes. Other values, such as  SENSOR_ DELAY_UI and SENSOR_DELAY_GAME, might make sense for your application.
After you have a valid OrientationEventListener object, you can check if it can detect orientation changes using the canDetectOrientation() method, and enable and disable the listener using its enable() and disable() methods.
The OrientationEventListener has a single callback method, which enables you to listen for orientation transitions: the onOrientationChanged() method. This method has a single parameter, an integer. This integer normally represents the device tilt as a number between 0 and 359:
  • A result of ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN (-1) means the device is flat (perhaps on a table) and the orientation is unknown.
  • A result of 0 means the device is in its “normal” orientation, with the top of the device facing in the up direction. (What “normal” means is defined by the manufacturer. You need to test on the device to find out for sure what it means.)
  • A result of 90 means the device is tilted at 90 degrees, with the left side of the device facing in the up direction.
  • A result of 180 means the device is tilted at 180 degrees, with the bottom side of the device facing in the up direction (upside down).
  • A result of 270 means the device is tilted at 270 degrees, with the right side of the device facing in the up direction.
This shows an example of how the device orientation might read when the device is tilted to the right by 90 degrees.
Orientation of the device as reported by an OrientationEventListener.

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